
The insertion of super-fine needles into the skin at specific acupuncture points to move qi, blood, and fluids in the body.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbs and medicinals can either be taken internally in the form of teas and pills, or applied externally in the form of poultices, plasters, and ointments. Herbal prescriptions are based on each individual's condition and diagnosis.

Dry Needling

Technique used to treat hyperirritable, thickened band of skeletal muscle so patient is able to be pain-free with increase range of motion.

Dietary Advice

Differing from western nutritional advice, this is based on each individual's condition, lifestyle needs and Chinese medical diagnosis.

Fire Cupping

A technique in which small glass cups are placed on the skin via suction created by heat. This process stimulates blood flow and moves qi and feels like a deep tissue massage.

Treatment Modalities

Full range of personalized care that may include nutritional recommendations, rehabilitation exercises, lifestyle counseling, gua sha.